October 29, 2013

More Exhibition News

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This is turning out to be a great Fall for Hirschfeld fans. First there is there is the wonderful show at the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, THE LINE KING'S LIBRARY, which gathers together Hirschfeld drawings, paintings, prints, sketchbooks, record covers, posters, books, and all sorts of epehemera from the Library's own collection. This runs until January 4, 2014 and is a must see for any serious Hirschfeld admirer.

If you are out of town, you may want to visit Bucks County this fall or winter to see LOCAL MILL MAKES GOOD: Celebrating 75 years of American Theatre at the Bucks County Playhouse at the James A. Michener Art Museum in Doylestown, Pennsylvania. This exhibition includes original drawings by Hirschfeld as well as a number of clippings documenting the players and productions at the famed Playhouse over more than 30 years. The show runs until March 2, 2014.

A little further out of town isĀ The Power of Image: Charles Evans Hughes in Prints, Photographs, and Drawings at the US Supreme Court. this exhibition grew out of the discovery of a very rare Hirschfeld print of the Supreme Court Justice. this is a fascinating look at one of the most unique Justices and we are told the show will "will be up for at least several more months."

We have more shows on tap for 2014 both in New York and around the country, so visit our website or Facebook page, or get the latest information the fastest follow us on Twitter @AlHirschfeld.

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